Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How do I compost?

Compost is a dark, crumbly, and earthy-smelling form of decomposing organic matter. Backyard compost can be collected in piles, bins, tumblers, or homemade structures. Composting is a cheap and efficient way of handling kitchen scraps and yard waste. "Finished" compost makes a great addition to gardens, flower beds and trees. It will add essential nutrients to the soil.

What to compost
Nitrogen-rich, green materials: fruit scraps, vegetable scraps, plant trimmings, coffee grounds, rice, pasta, egg shells, tea bags, flowers, hedge clippings and small amounts of grass.

Carbon-rich, brown materials: coffee filters, stale bread, paper napkins and towels, dryer lint, hair, leaves, straw or hay, small twigs/chips, dried grass and weeds.

What not to compost
Meat, fish or bones; dairy products, oils or fats, sauces, ashes, pet waste, diseased plants, mature weeds with seeds.

A Home Composting Handbook is available on the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency website, uccra.org.

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